Thursday, April 28, 2011

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Seems the scare train is alive and well in regard to the NDP's growth in numbers. I say this because there are those that keep saying an NDP win even for offical opposition will lead to higher taxes, and a unbalance in the financial market. They on the right wish to up hold Bob Rae when he was Premier in Ontario as an example of this as a sure thing. Make no mistake promices have been made, but to say the sky will fall if the NDP get into office is just a bunch of clucking. If you remove the planes ordered by Mr. Harper, and put out a proper tender for a different type of aircraft, as they are needed, there will be money saved. Also ending corporate subs will also help the new Gov in the way of money. Perhaps bringing in a flat tax geared to income, could help as well. It would help remove some of the bloated public service, which again would save dollars. There are lots of ways to save money, and to me it is to consentrate on those thins that need our attention, as when you bandage something it always cost more in the end when you have to fix it. An elected senate would be a good thing or just get rid if it as we really don't need it. The Gov General too, as the office costs way to much money. There are lots of ways, Layton isn't stupid, and people see the difference between him, and the other party leaders. The people are flocking to the NDP because they are sick of the same old things. Voting Layton will fix many holes in this country, and the biggest will be restoring the publics faith in Gov!

Tuesday, April 26, 2011


It is funny when anyone trys to point the evils of the federal NDP the first thing they mention is how are they going to pay for their platform if elected to the big chair in Ottawa? Their answer to this is by raising taxes! I am sorry but if the right wing would be honest they would state with equallity the NDP's plan of being highly responcible with our tax dollars, and how they will be used. First the end of corporate subs for those who don't need them, and this will save a fortune in itself. The end also to these fly by night companies that take our money but move their work force south of the border, big savings here too. Helping small business with $ for purchace of new equipment to make them more competative, can't go wrong with this. Capping credit card interest rates, only a moron wouldn't like this. I could go on and on. The right is scared, and that is no wonder, as the people are sick of big blue, or big red, and maybe it's time for a little orange in our lives.

Monday, April 25, 2011


It makes no sense to me why we don't make it legal, tax it like alcohol, and remove the criminal aspect of it. All it does is cost society money by keeping it out of our say liqour stores ready for full public consumption, if so inclined. I myself quit a long time ago, but would never wish to deny anybody the freedom to smoke it if they wished. People who do smoke will, those who don't won't, it's just that easy. I can't remember the cost to society keeping it a banned substance, but it is in the millions. The police can't seem to get the fact that by keeping it not legal it only supports crime. The Insite centers must be kept, and added too. They play too much of a service to ban them, and Harper doesn't want them around, as to him they are a form of evil, as well as those who use them! This idiot wants a majority? God I pray not.

Freedoms Eroded Bit By Bit.

Slowly but surely our rights to individual thought, of being, and the right to promote these feelings are being eroded in this free society of ours. I love looking at Porn M/F as I am bisexual, but I don't condone any child pornography, nor do I except as a right the use of sex slaves for whatever purpose. I am not a hater of women, and any sex I enjoy to watch or participate in is with consenting adults, and it's really that easy. Now what really gets me peed off are all these haters of their own bodies, and sexual outlook in life, that want us to ban our right to view men, and women in the act because they find it upsetting! Don't watch it if you don't like it! But please don't demand I can't enjoy it. The same holds true for these HRC's here in Canada or should I call them Kangaroo courts, and no insult intended to any Kangaroo living or dead. Recently a stand up comic was fined the amount of around $22.000 dollars for insulting a woman, and her female partner because of their heckles directed towards him. We have courts to deal with real cases of wrongs against the Charter, and our place within it. By the way this incident took place here in BC. We are being directed at our work places not to use perfume or cologne as there are sensitives who can't handle their odors, so before long everyone will just stink like pigs to suit a few cry babies. We also must get rid of the CRTC, it is out of date and not needed. Why is it when we have any public event it always has to be family minded, and must include children. We can't do this here, or that there, and the list just goes on, and on. I recently started Watching Sun Media on TV, and while I don't agree with all that is said, as I stand center left, and they tend to be right of center, I still enjoy the debates, and their right to express them! People of Canada we have a voice, don't be affraid to use them. Stand up for those things you may not like or participate in, because if we don't we don't stop this monster it will devour us to the point of destruction of our democratic society!